September 23, 2011

2nd birthday surprise for me

ha!! ni aku nak sambung cite surprise birthday party aku...kire mcm part II la...(ele prasan mcm la ade org nak bace part I die...) sedey... (T_T) surprise birthday 20apr11 (Part I) mesti korg tertanye2 apekeheynye ade gmbr baby? ni birthday party ke baby shower? eh??  sbbnye nilah plan yg telah diplankan oleh pakar plan utk menjayakan plan!

Mase tu ari Sabtu...30 April 2011...(kebetulan birthday org yg buat plan ni ari tu jugak) rupe2nye geng2 SMKK (Sek.Men.Keb.Kepong) ni da lame da bincang nak wat surprise birthdy party spt biasa ahli jawatankuasa birthday adalah Syahreen (ketua), Dan(Ketua Kedua), Amir, Af, Ain, dorg ni ahli jawatankuasa la..pastu yg lain2 attend tu ahli tetap (sbb slalu join event)...   Aku bukan ape...dr 20apr lagi aku mcm berteka teki bile dorg nak wat surprise tuk aku(gile xmalu siap da pikir mmg dorg watkan..wakakaka!!) skali kalau dorg xwat, mmg mak SENTAP 20thn...hahahaha..
so kalau mcm ain or af ajak kua, even mase weekdays, wlaupon dorg ajak kul 12 malam, aku tetap nak pakai lawa2,.sbb takot dorg wat surprise party..wakakakakakaka!!!tapi slalunye hampa la..salah tekaan aku tu...huu..TAPI...mase ari sabtu tu, aku xdpt nak pikir camtu..sbbnye af n ain da plan 3mggu sbelum surprise ni..nak ajak aku g tgk anak kak farah...kebetulan kak farah da bersalin..aku pon tanpa pikir pape, aku pon book tarikh tu nak melawat kak farah kat shah alam...So kirenye, aku bersiap pada hari tu bukan sbb rase dorg nak wat surprise tapi sbb rase nak jumpe member lame..shah alam plak tu..jauh..(mane tau kot2 jumpe anuar zain..kene pakai lawa2) seriesly aku pikir camtu!!!
** dgn mama arianna...kak farrah leza!** 
**ni geng yg ajak aku g tgk baby kak farrah**

bila da sampai shah alam, jumpe kak farah n borak2 sampailah waktu after mghrib grak nak balik la kan..mcm biasa la..kenelah g makan malam... tbe2 ain ckp sakit perut nak g tandas..benti kat shell(mase ni mmg aku ingt die nak berak..) RUPA2 NYA dlm tandas tu die duk call2 geng2 lain da ok ke belom..da set up ke belom tpt surpise dorg kate nak makan kat Restoran Intai2 xsilap...heh..AKU LUPE LAGI!!!!!...xtahulah restoran tu sebenarnye name pe...hehehe...mase sampai2 tu mmg blur..aku n kak linda xtau as we walk..walk n walk...n walk...
**we're still blur..i mean kak linda and i..we're both BLURRR**

**shazrizan...gune wakie takie utk inform kedatgan beta..sultanah hahaha**

so lepas jalan punye jalan n semakin hampir...TIBE2.....

tAaaaaDdDDDaaaaa!!! i'm so surprised!!!! rupenye ramai gilerrr kawan2 da ade kat situ!!! oh...i smile for every second!!! hihihi... n kak linda plak mmg blur gilerrr...yelah dalam kreta die duk tdo...bangun2 je ade kat tpt makan n ade surprise....gituuuu..classs kan??? hehehe...(walaupon simple..but this is GREAT!!..LOVE IT!!TQ guys!!!)

**muke2 surprised n gembira xhengat dunia dan da tua rupenye**

so disbbkan lame dorg da ade kat sini..maka mereka yg rakyat jelata beta pon sudah lapa...kalau xpercaya tgklah sndri muke2 deme ni sume....ingt dorg ikhlas ke nak tggu aku n linda sampai?? wakakakaka!!
**pasangan kak ezra n ajip..muke ketat je da lapa...
kak shaz plak.."arggh pdulik hape aku..yg penting kite minum dulu!!**

Maka dgn ini...Beta arahkan Dato' Bendaharabeta merasmikan majlis...

**gmbr 1: seblum makanan sampai
gmbr 2: ketika makanan da penuh ats meja 
gmbr 3: ok sume da kenyang! LICIN!!**

**aku jgk yg terlebey senyum!! excited terlebey!! 
padahal sume org dlm gmbr kat atas ni sumenye April's Born Babies...**
**ok!! lg skali aku conquer...aku rase mcm birthday aku sorg..wakakakaka**

Cupcakes ni mmg terbaik!!! beli kat area THE CURVE..Chicks Cupcakes xsilap aku..tapi Sian kat syahreen...die yg organiza cleberation ni n die jugak birthday boy.tapi xdpt makan kek ni...p/s: PDN MUKE! hahahaha(gelak org jahat)

What i love most about this birthday party surprised were:-

i) acoustic Band!! i love music so much!!! mmg best gile abg2 ni sume...yg penting kwn aku sorg sesat dlm band tu tbe2....MIOR ATIQURRAHMAN...classss ko noks...nyanyi lagu awie lagi!! GITUUU~~

**while meo still singing, the others were enjoying themselves....i miss this moment!!**

ii) my birthday was being celebrated with other three April's Babies (Adam, Linda n Syahreen) and all my LOVELY FRIENDS .... TQ SO MUCH these were some of the sweet and funy moments were captured by AMIR MUNZIR...tq bro...if not because of u, i wouldn't be able to blog and paste all these lovely pictures....

** Tarwan such a great model..hehe..u made the day Tarwan!! i'm confused..r u a straight guy? hehehehe**

**this is what we call GO GREEN gang..hahahah!! feewwiitt...can u see what i see?? TAX!!!(he's on ur left) the way u're handle the jug...fuhhyyooo walawe...ade gayalah..GITUUU~~ in the middle was Adam..n Fairuz...**

So utk menghargai jasa baik cameraman saye pada malam itu, saye sajikan hasil tangkapan anak2 ikan yg diperoleh oleh amir utk tatapan yg sudi menengok..hehehe... 

**gmbr 1:lawa asap yg ajip hasilkan utk memusnahkan oksigen..
gmbr 2: amboii Go green maskot ni..hehe..gaya rambut pon sepesen sepusun jer..
gmbr 3: classssss abng biola ni..w'pon tua tapi class bergaya biola ke ni??**

**gmbr 1:kain n k.shaz...septi biasa..fotogediks...hehehe
gmbr 2: ok..yg ni haku marah! mesti nak kaco daun..xleh tgk haku senang dan comel! (-"-)
gmbr 3: sape punye birthday ni??**

** gmbr 1:kak ezra n ajip..muke da kenyang...hehehe
gmbr 2: shazrizan(hahaha! name penuh) n sazzy muke nak cupcakes lagi.
gmbr 3: nad n meo..muke hahahaha**

**ok this is what we call camwhore disease!!! wakakakaka!!**

Orite!!! time snap pic for all of us!!!

**this picture ade cameraman...but birthday girl (aku la tu) xde..sbb aku yg tangkapkan gmbr...dats y gmbr ni mcm blurry sket..sbbnye sabotaj (mane bley tgkp gmbr tanpa aku!) wakakakakaka!!**

ok..this entry for u guys...HONESTLY.from my bottom of my heart(cube pasang lagu britney-from my bottom of my broken heart) eh???ok bukan2...tak tak..ok korg cube bace ni k..

"u guys...tq so much...i never expect any kind of this(cewah ok aku tipu..aku expect sbenarnye..cume xsangka la hari tu korg nk wat surprised..hehehe)...i'm happy till now...2.41am 23rd of Sept 2011-i draft this entry n i still feel the eyes still glory...(mampuss..ayat gelii xhengat!!) ok2...balik smuleee....

Ain, Af, Amir, Syahreen, Dan, shazrizan..(ni sume name master utk event ni)..TQ SO MUCH...korg susah payah nak pikir tpt n mcmane nak wat bg best..tq sbb pilih tpt yg ade music band...tq sbb pilih tpt yg cozy..tq sbb ajak n ensure ramai kawan2 datang....(pttnye korg kene ajak anuar zain join skali..ok year k? wakakaka!!)

tax, fairuz, adam, meo, nad, kak ezra,ajip, kak shaz, sazzy,tarwan, TQ VERY VERY MUCH..i love u guys..korg slalu dtg event...n mmg korg kawan2 terbaik...smoga korang bahagia slalu...terimalah pantun ikhlas drpada siti(sambil wat suara siti..alhamdulillah~~)
"pecah kaca pecah hati...sudah gembira senang hati.."

ok uoollssss I LOVE UUU!!!!!!!


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